30 June 2007
practically rotted ad home...sent alot of songs today..received none though =X
went to granny's hse fer dinner as usual..and i ate durian fer the first time.. as in took the seed and ate it myself..everyone was lik O.O.. LoLs..aft spending time there thn come home use com liao...tats all le.. ^^
i wan mahjong....~~~ T.T
went to xun's hse fer BBQ..weee funfun.. everyone was there..ganggang..yl and gang.. aaron and gang.. xun and family..lols.. played mahjong fer a while b4 starting the bbq..thn jiu eateat..talktalk..jumped into the pool fer a while b4 going bak to xun's terrence hse..changed..cut the cake jiu go home le..let pics tell the story bahs..^^

24 June 2007
- i'm a very super lazy person!! hahas... lazy until euu can't image! XD (ps's instruction) ^^
Practically ROT-ted the whoole day today ad home. woke up 10++ jiu used com le. had unexpected visitor also and quite busy trying to jiao dai ke ren =X.. nvm ad least i can use the com fer the whole day since bro was 'busy' wif the other kids as well =P. aniways. AriGato to the one dat helped me widen my music library today. 27gb moree to fill !! lols.. those readin tis feel free to send me any song anytime anywhere anyplace or any-ho-how also can.. hahas. Missed initial D leh.. SaDDed~ and sch reopens tml sooo gonna get bak to study mood le. FOUR mths to Os onli le .. so to everyone esp GangGang
- Do Welll fer ur Os !! may we end up in the same poly as each other nx yr~ LoL.. ^^( abit too early to say ehs ) :xspam chalets aft Os.. xDwun be able to use com as often as nw le. =/
sooo im slping a little earlier tonight. takecaires and nights ppl !!
22nd june~~
supposed to haf chem class ad 830... woke up ad 1030 instead... LoL
reached sch ad 1130 den dismissed ad 12.. -at least i gt go hor!! =P- den ate lunch jiu went to cck jalanjalan.. met roy and callista there. both of them plus jav went pool while we cont walking ard.. aft tat jiu hanged ard ad the library b4 going home.. piccs
Muscle man #1
Muscle man #2
cheezy strepsils.. Lols
23th june~~went to cck again to meet them. got chased out of the library haflway through..zzz nvm.. den went to mac do hmk instead... den jiu played pool wif ll and jav. Tu Di !! gt potential ah !! Lols..
aft playing a few rounds we all went seperate ways.. bought dinner..watched naruto.. dota.. conferenced thn jiu went slp liao..end tis post wif pics.. ^^
Shuai pose?~ :x
Tu Di !! lols =)
22 June 2007
19th june~
went to meet jav thn took his dad car go costa sands check in..
jumped into the poool whn i unpacked..no chio bu de. =X
thn jiu went to start BBQ le.. used like abt 13 fire starters juz to start the fire..cos keep on getting fanned away by lw.. =.=
had fun bbq-ing.. lols. chalet quite smallll leh..
den jiu went walkwalk ard.. go to those shops..
Chinese chess.. Song Wu Kong verion.. Lols
den jiu go bak chalet slack..didnt slp fer the whole day.. played mahjong and poker.. owe ppl money liao.. zz
blackjack.. wif money..
20th june~~
slept ad around 7am.. thn woke up ad 11 ++ lols.. went to swim again.. thn jiu go walkwalk..went to RED HSE.. wahah.. xun got scared out of his pants leh.. super creepy lahs.. dun dare go in..
21th june..
i let the other pics tell the story bahs...

yeaaa.. dats alll fer the chalet bahs.. hahas ^^
21 June 2007
18th June~~
went to marina bay eat steeeamboat..celebrate dumdum's early bdae
ate quite alot..had fun too.. also had tis mini 'iron chef' competition wif Yh..end up nobody win..hahas
let pics tell the story~

note where they are at.. =P


on the way homee~
19 June 2007
17th june~~went to uncle's hse to coooook those Dumplings made the day b4...to some of u the pics might look familiar lo.. lols..yea spent the whole day there.. so i let the pics do the talking le hor..~.jpg)

Looks familiar??~~~

Dead?.. or.. Alive..?
16 June 2007
todayy~ dumpling makin day.. Lols.. 2nd time ive done tis soo far bahs.. hehe.. rotted at home the whole day today.. expanding my pod's music capacity only =X end tis post wif pics~~

1st time make de.. =X no shape..

After a while.... ^^ hahahs ad least gt triangle liao ehs..
15 June 2007
watched Men in White today..super funny..lols.. i like AH LENG best !! lau saiii ~ hahahas.. spent the whole day in bugis bahs.. walkwalk shopshop chatchat laughlaugh.. all the usual stuffs..hahas
frm here put pics liao.. dunno wat to type nx.. lols.. good day today anyways.. ^^

EMO ppl.. =P

illegal immigrants.. LoL
14 June 2007
woke up ad 10 plusss..played abit thn bathed and went out to library le.. engrossed with PoC even though it wasnt really a perfect show.. =.= aniwayss i finsihed it on the bus.. LoLs.. met yl and gina.. hhc joined shortly after.. ate kfc talktalk chatchat walkwalk.. frm study almost ended up watching movie..heng nv *wew*
did abt 1/3 of my maths stuffs liao.. cant really conc wif hhc ard.. =X too noisy liao..met jav thn went arcade.. hanged ard there and saw manymany tanglinians there hanging ard also..meng larry tudor mei ling blahblah..alot lah.. den we 4 cont chatting until 6 plus..end up i tio scolding frm parent.. late fer tuition =X
tuition finsh den use com until nw. typical way to spend a weekday away bahs.. since ther isnt any major group gathering until chalet.. =) getting more and more tired by the day..dunno y. haven gotten rid of my stupid disease yet also.. T.T.. kkaes tats abt all.
13 June 2007
rotted at home todaee.. is sian dao even hmk also started doing liao.. =P
aniways..converted tis PoC - dead man's chest fer lik 4 straight hrs and it was all wasted..sound faster thn picture.. T.T..
NVM..thn tuition got 17 qns to doo !!.. wahh. needa go to the library tml to chiong liao.. ad home sure cant do a thing.. borin~~ played "typing hse of the dead".. LoLs..super lame game.. interested talk to me.. =P
yea maybe tml find someone go out wif me bahs.. tats abt all fer tonight bahs.. go orhhorhh liao.
ive been reminiscencing these days.. and i realised wat an idoit i was bak thn... =(

GangGang always.. =)
10 June 2007
today~ funfun ehs.. ahhas
went ECP wif ganggang.. post a few pics first..rest post nx time...usb cocked up..lols.. ;D

5 June 2007
Arghhh my poor bloggie.. T.T.. needa remove dust liao..
had fun todae..slept at 2 plus.. thn yl called me at 5.. slept 3 hrs plus nia..lols.. den met af mac to eat jiu head off to RELC tgt le.. the lecture there super boring ah.. slept fer 30min b4 the whole thingy ended..hahas..
half the class taxed down to cine aft the talk fer lunch..thn hanged ard b4 playing pool wif terence and company..super tyco ar me.. can make ppl stress until his pants split..LOL.. laughed dao peng..sadded tat km and yl couldnt come in fer some stupid reasons.. zzz..pics

all 3 taken by jtaime ;)
aft pool went hereen walkwalk jiu trained bak to jec makan..chatchat talktalk walkwalk den jiu go home liaos..today and ytd was fun bahs..hanging out ad orchard..lols.. hope gt more of these outings seh..hahas =) tml !! DnT Dnt and more DnT liaos.. =/ needa complete by fri if nt gonner le... sadist.. so yea i go get some rest.. nites ppl... oh yea.. i post abt the trip probably tml bahs.. =X.. cyu ppls~