29 July 2007
i'll let pics tell the story fer tis wk bahs..tired to type liaos..nitenite~
y do things nv go rite fer me..
one thing aft another spoils my plans my mood my day..urs as well..
im soo sry dar..might be *suay* i dunno..
but i really hope this wldnt happen again.. =/

22 July 2007
woke up ard 11.. slacked till 2 thn chionged D&t.. done the second last part and im nw left wif the evaluation area..which is like..another BIG sector.. zzz nvm shall try to finish them by tonight..had century egg porridge fer lunch..*yummmy* followed by super tasty spegetthi cooked my mum~ wahaha.. other thn these ive been like rotting ad home all day alrdy.. changed the blog song recently..quite like it.. yea and maybe i'll find a new blog skin to use some day..whn ive got the time.. =.= .. hai~its gonna be another loooong sch wk fer me again.. =/ riteee.. dats abt all bahs.. takecaires ppl~ ;)
today..was fun~ =)
met yl in the lib..did some peer teaching..and she understands !! ^^ jiayous ar~ hahas..
wo zhi chi ni ~ !! ;)
gina and hhc came ltr and we bus-ed to esplanade..eateat talktalk chatchat and of cos.. lots of walkingg~ uber tired aft like 3 hrs in marina sq... yawn non stop.. lols.. went to granny's hse aft dat fer dinner..jiu went home and here i am le.. ^^ pics to end tis post bahs.. (1st.esplanade...2nd.poster or real???...3rd..flagggss ^^)

20 July 2007
yeah..finally bak to post aft a loooong time..mugged in sch as usual..no different frm last wk lo.. =/ dun think i gt a steady foundation in some subs yet but im workin hard on it le.. ^^ spent quite alot tis wk.. dunno y get esp hungry as the wk goes by..nw my routine only consists of a few things..come sch..study..focus..tuition..or hang ard fer less thn 2 hrs.. zz
anyways..tats abt all fer tis wk..bye ppl~

15 July 2007
looong time no post~~ :x
shall post weekly bahs..had a super duper tiring day in sch.. its like..morning go sch...thn focuses until 6...thn haf to rush home fer tuition ad 630...slp ard 11++.. very tiring.. =/
tis went on fer 5 days bahs...lols..
thn ytd.. watched harry potter..thn meet yl ad je..went to IMM walkwalk a while jiu left fer wlds le.. reached there..hanged ard..took neos since the whole ganggang was present..fer once..? lols.. thn take le jiu cabbed to woodlands centre play pool..gt another Tu Di le.. tu mei !! dun lose to xun hor~.. hahas.. k bahs.. shall end tis post wif pics le..


1 hr PE...can spot me? =P


6 July 2007
yes..i noe its been 6 days since tis blog rotted..bo bian.. cant use com also anyways..
lots of stuffs happened this wk..frm whole day focuses to hanging out ad jec..its all fun and tiring ad the same time..wa siao..i dunno wat i typing lah..abit moodless nw..soo yea end tis post liao..nites ppl..gt time thn post a proper post again.. lols.. =X
wo ai ni !! ;)