30 September 2007
hmm..here to post..today..woke up ard 10++..
used com till 12 thn study until 5++..hardworking rite..hahas..
its all fer Os..if nt i wun be so guai liaos.heh..
slept awhile and had curry fishhead fer dinner...yumyum*
nw nth to do thn post bahs..although nth much to say..but juz post to keep tis blog alive..hahas :P
okie..dats abt all..ERP starts tml..and everyone jiayous fer ur Os hor !! :D

hehe :P
26 September 2007
hmmm..another day whereby ive got 2 bombs dropping on me..
did hurt abit...but i wun be discouraged...i'll juz haf to work on it bahs...
hmmm shall post my score up here bahs...nth to hide anyways...sure lose to alot of ppl..
Eng C5
E-maths A2
A-maths (still dunno)
Comb. Sci B4
Comb. Hum C5
D&T A2
Lit C6
Chi C5 (btr thn Os...zzz)
total L1R4 shld be.... 5+2+2+4+5 = 18...
zzz haven really hit my goal..<15
i'll work on sci maths and eng bahs..
rest would be juz fine currently..yea
gtg fer tuition liaos...cya ppl.. ^^
25 September 2007
Weeee..here to postt..hahas
super long nv post liao..dead fer abt a mth plus liao bahs...
well prelim's over and the results are almost all out..
quite badly done i must say..chem and eng deproved tremendously..
while the rest are still okok...nt say v.gd also..hai..
yl finally posted too...though i nw thn realise budden nvm..hahas.. ;)
shall post while i have the time bahs..meanwhile still gotta study hard~~
cant slack..made a target fer myself alrdy and i gotta try to reach tat..
wun let her down or all my other friends as well.. yea dats abt all ive gotta type fer today..
Cya ppls~~