31 July 2008
sch starts ad 11 today~ lols..
still got time i juz post first bahs..cleared my exam ytd..lolol..quite okay lah..studied and was ready for it..
hanged out ard je before going home to slack..im feelin LoveSicK nw ~ oh SAT faster comeeee..
even though i only have a few hrs..im gonna make it a good one for ya! :D
kk i gtg get rdy for sch liao..takes 1 hr juz to reach sch..far eh..lols..
oh yea..and no one tags me whn they visit anymre..taggg yea..ad least i noe who still reads my bloggie..hahas.. bye ppl
being hua xin would be the LAST thing i'd ever do cos i still LOVE u !! =D i miss the way we behaved like a couple whnever we're tgt =).. my ranking: 1st YOU 2nd family 3rd friends and sch dats the difference in our devotion ba.. =) its juz dat ive got moreee~~ =P but nevertheless..i still love you.. and i hope u'll still love me the same.. muacks =) sat fasterrrrrr comeeee !!!!!
29 July 2008
1) PD presentation
2) mETRO report~
Remainding stuffs..
- Comm skills exam
- CP exam
- CP 'MINI' project
- EEP report
stresssss sah!! left the finale leg to the end of semester ONE..lols..
planing to take up a CCA by sem 2..
most probably Guitar or Sports and Wellness... i wan both badly seriously..lols
i got my music sense back again..and gonna pursue music once again.. =P
27 July 2008
i <3 baby~
woke up ad 10 ~
ate the chicken puff that mum bought for 2 bucks..cheapcheap..but dam nice..lols..
washed up..packed..thn left for xun's hse to gym..
reached ard 12++.. went to gym ard 1++..
choinged running..chionged weights..til muscle buay tahan..hahas..felt gd but muscle ache dun feel gd..lols..aft gym went to 'destress' thn play o2jam till 6+ b4 going homeee sweeet homeee~
Stuffs to do:
1) Comm. Skills Exam this wed..
2) CP exam this fri..
3) Tues and Wed reports..zz
4) clean my roooooooooom...
last but not least..
5) Start Planning for 7 days ltr !! ;)
okay..though only 5 points..but actually gt LOTS to do..
sch's ad 8 tml..some old pictures to end this post~

21 July 2008
work is piling up!!! lols
lots of things to do related to sch everyday..
but !!
since dar is behind my bak~
nthh is impossible..hahahs
haha suddenly juz feel like posting this positive comment out..=P
gtg slp le..1040 liao !! nites all..post pics some other time..
17 July 2008
ive deleted the previous post..cos it has costed another misundersstanding..
i just wan to make it clear..i wasnt emo..i was just shooting my past feelins out..its nothing personal cos i have mentioned it before..=)
hope i clear up this BIGBIG misunderstanding..and a BIG SORRY to dar.
things got btr but that post ruined ur feelings again..pls forgive me..
nth else to say..nites
13 July 2008
Your Extroversion Profile:

Cheerfulness: High
Activity Level: Medium
Sociability: Medium
Assertiveness: Low
Excitement Seeking: Low
Friendliness: Very Low
Guess this is quite true..lol..
How You Are In Love

You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to give more than take in relationships.
You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
shit..this is soo freaking true..
You Will Be a Cool Parent

You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.
You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.
While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.
You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!
WooT !! lols
You Are Running on 51% Adrenaline

Your Adrenaline Level: High
You often feel like you are running on empty. And it doesn't feel great!
Slow it down a little - even if it means not getting everything done.
stress !! xD
But overall~~~
You Have Very Healthy Relationships

You are an amazing friend, partner, and family member.
You always take other people's feelings into account, and you're never selfish.
Your relationships are based on mutual respect.
You respect the people you love, and you only love people who respect you in return.
You Are In a Good Mood

Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.
While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.
And it seems like things are looking up for you!
=D nites ppl;
ILoveMyDarlinLoads ! =D
6 July 2008
went for a haircut today..get rid of my long and messy hair into a new hairstyle..took quite awhile to cut since he stylist said my hair was "too Thick ah"..though i went to some high rated salon to cut..all the comments were the same"Short hair btr"..so end up the hairstyles came out short again..haha..except i liked my current one the most among the last few..juz gotta learn some spiking jiu can le..im starting my revisions frm tml onwards liao..exams in august..thn whole mth holiday on sept..hahas meaning 7 weeks of hols since exam mth dun have to do sch if no ppr also..reached home ard 5 with barley lemon..and slacked till now..
oh yea rmb to visit JP ppl..a section of jap restaurants juz opened in B1..everything there also jap..haha..cant wait to try every single one of them wif dar..hahas..

mood nt v gd these few days..emperess having some energy sucking insect bugging her..getting tired even mre easily recently..hope u'll be bak to normal soon..
rmb u'll always have me by urside..so dun keep it all inside alone..=)
2 July 2008
today will be my
first of all today was a short short shorrrt day~ 9-12.. lols.. plus teacher nv come so = free and easy session..xD
computer programming was nuts..had to learn this "Array" function..very messy until i wanna bang the wall..muz start revising my hmk le..cannot wait till last min thn study liao..lol..
help afiq wif abit of maths sinced he had a retest ltr on ad 3..hope he pass this time ! hahas..went to cosway jalan jalan aft slacking in sch for abt 2 hrs..searched for stuffs but couldnt find it anywhere..mini toons..action city..etc.. gave up finding awhile ltr thn sat ad mac watch ratatotile on my pod to waste some time away..met dar soon aft the movie ended ad je thn went to ichiban for dinner..new menu..and btr food i guess..ate the ice cream tempura for the first time and found it so 奇妙..frying an ice-cream..hahas..seen on tv but nv tried it for real until now..lols =)
sent dar home shortly.. gotta slp..got practical tml..another long day till 6..zz
happy one year baby!! =D love ya loads~